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How I use an essential oil diffuser to stay calm during the week

- Feb 14, 2021 -

How I use an essential oil diffuser to stay calm during the week

An essential oil diffuser has become an integral step in my daily routine — both during the week and throughout evenings and weekends.

Illustration of a man using a oil diffuser and a lifestyle image of the white Vitruvi Stone Diffuser next to a bedFrom the increase in Covid-19 cases to the dip in temperatures, you might find yourself feeling more stressed out as of late — and you're likely spending more time indoors than you would normally. To better cope and put my mind at ease, I rely on an essential oil diffuser — it might prove useful to you, as well. Here's how I found my love for essential oil diffusers: Watching my sister working on her final project for school, sipping on coffee and listening to some calming playlist, I spotted an oil diffuser beside her. Somehow, she seemed to be completely relaxed despite the stress of the moment: Back then, this included the onset of Covid-19 and the college paper she was working on.

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